Friday, July 31, 2009

The Relationship

The Church?

A building, with a steeple, with an organ, with stain glass windows, with a pulpit, with pews?


All believers in the Lord Jesus.

A living, loving body.

Known as "the Bride of Christ".

A bride that Jesus died for.

A relationship.

The relationship.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Under Attack? Where do I go?

Woke up this morning with something bothering me. Not sure what, but felt under attack.

Whether it was a dream I had or what, I'm not sure.

Thankfully Jesus has won the war and I can talk to You, God, about it. (that's prayer, I guess?)

You are always there.

"Don't worry about anything;

instead, pray about everything.

Tell God what you need,

and thank Him for all He has done.

If you do this, you will experience God's peace,

which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.

His peace will guard your hearts and minds

as you live in Christ Jesus"

Phil 4v6-7

Wow, these verses are for me!!!

Lord I don't need to worry about anything;

I can talk to You about everything.

You know what I am feeling and You have dealt with it.

You have given me peace which is way out there.

Thank you God that Your peace guards my heart and mind as I live in Christ Jesus

In Christ Jesus.

No better place to be!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Religion or relationship?

My wife loves me and I love her and we love spending time together.

Funny, we don't think of that as being a religion.

It's a loving relationship!!

God loves me and I love Him and we love spending time together.

Funny, we think of that as being a religion.

Dah?? It's a loving relationship!!

God loves me!!!

What Jesus did for me on the cross proves that!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Confessions of a Non-prayer-oholic!!!

How does God talk to us? How do we talk to God?


That can be a scary thing.

I need to pray!!!

Better do it in the morning, first thing. Oh, shoot, I slept in.

Missed the morning, have a few minutes at break time - got chatting to a friend, lunch should be OK.

Slept in this morning, didn't have time to make lunch this morning (blame that alarm again) so have to go out and buy it. I'll get to prayer after work.

Finished work, it's a beautiful day - had to get out in the sun. It's Cape Breton , you never know we might not see the sun again this year. Still time when I get home.

Have to make supper. and it's the last episode of "The Bachelorette" . (Need to keep in touch with my feminine side.) I'll have time before bed.

I'm dog tired!!!!

I need to pray.

6.00am tomorrow morning sounds good!!!

Sound familiar?

What is prayer? Talking to God who loves us with an unconditional love.

He loves me and I love Him.

My wife loves me and I love her.

I just talk to her.

I just talk to God.

That's prayer???

Monday, July 27, 2009

My Schindler's List.

So God speaks to us, but who else is trying to get our attention?

I was reading from the Bible in Luke 16 about the rich man who died and was in torment. He was so concerned that his brothers wouldn't end up where he was that he pleaded that if someone was sent from the dead, then they would turn from their sins and not end up in his situation.

Many of us think that we will all go to heaven eventhough we have nothing to do with God or His Son Jesus. I guess we hope in "the power of positive thinking" or hope our good deeds will outweigh our bad deeds.

I was really challenged that there are so many people who have died and are in the same place as that rich man and are screaming to get my attention to tell others about Jesus, but I can't hear them.

It reminded me of Liam Neeson's character in "Schindler's List", where he was inconsolable when he thought of the many more Jews he could have saved.

I maybe can't hear the voices of all those people in torment, but I am sure this is God speaking.

Checkout this video that I mentioned a while back.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Coincidence or God?.................God!!!!

Been praying for the Lord to do His thing in Cape Breton.

Last Monday night someone brought my attention to a verse in the Bible in Habakkuk (if I had another son that would be his name!) 1v5

"The Lord replied, 'Look at the nations and be amazed! Watch and be astounded at what I will do! For I am doing something in your own day, something you will not believe even if someone told you about it.'"

Last night someone else read 2Chronicles 20v12. Praying to God a man called Jehoshaphat (if I had another son after Habakkuk, that would be his name!) he said

"We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us. We do not know what to do, but we are looking to You" the answer in v17, "But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord's victory"

Cool verses!

"I've come across that passage recently". What blew me away was that on April 27th the Lord led me to these two seemingly unconnected passages and I had them written together in my journal.

Coincidence or what? It's a God thing!!

Talk about shivers down the spine!!

We might not always hear God speak verbally, but that doesn't mean He's not speaking.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Speechless in ....................

Lost for words!

That's probably a good space to be in when we are in the presence of Almighty God when He speaks, whatever way that might be.

How often I have been in situations where I feel I have to say something.

When I feel I have to say something, then the something I have to say is probably "nothing".

Lost for words in the presence of God!

Is there a better place to be?

"Ken, Ken"

God talks to us!!!! How?

Come to think of it, I've never heard God talk to me verbally, although I know some folk who have.

That would be neat, scary, weird, comforting, challenging, mind blowing, confusing, loud, quiet, overwhelming, ...................!!!!!!!

Although I've never heard Him speak verbally, I don't want to put Him in a box because He's a box shattering God!

'Now in those days messages from the Lord were very rare and visions were quite uncommon...........And the Lord came and called as before, "Samuel, Samuel". And Samuel replied, "Yes Lord, your servant is listening"'.

"Ken, Ken"

I think I'd be lost for words!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Word from Disney?

Is God Talking, but we're never listening?

I was chatting with friends last night about hearing or not hearing from God and I was reminded of a talk my wife, Aurelie, attended years ago. The speaker suggested we all needed "Mickey Mouse ears", as God is talking be we aren't listening.

We'd look kind of stupid, but maybe the look would be worth it!!!!

Check this out

Monday, July 20, 2009

Hello there!!!!! Anyone home????

Do you hear from God?

Is He always talking to us but we're never listening?

How does He talk to us?

Why would He want to talk to us?

When does He talk to us?

Where does He talk to us?

Do we expect God to talk to us?

Are all these questions, answers to the questions?

God is that You talking????

Lord help me to hear You!!!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Revival - an infectious eruption of Grace!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Screwed up but loved

Why is it Christian's feel they have to look as though they have it all together even though they haven't?

Let's be real. We all screwed up in the past, we screw up in the present and we will screw up in the future. Once we admit that, it is so freeing.

God tells us we are a work in progress , so why should it surprise us when we mess up? Paul in Romans 7 admits that, so shouldn't we. Maybe that is one reason why people are put off by Christians and by church. No wonder we appear hypocritical. I have screwed up more than most, but thankfully God loves me unconditionally. What Jesus did at the cross proves that!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

If we want to hear we have to listen

"Anyone who ever risks listening to God and following His voice knows that to everyone who is deaf to His voice, your actions seem as if you've gone crazy." Erwin McManus

Monday, July 13, 2009

I Could be talking to myself, but that's OK. I guess????

I'm not sure why I've started a blog.
Why would anyone want to read my musings?

Hopefully you won't think I'm big headed.

I'm on a spiritual journey like everyone else. Our journey may be towards God or away from Him, only we know. Our journey is a fluid thing, always moving never static.

Deep down I think everyone wants to talk about where they are at in their journey, but deep down they are scared that no one wants to talk about where they are at in their journey.

We talk about everything under the sun and yet seldom open up about what really matters to us. Hopefully this blog will encourage you to talk about things that matter, things that God is saying to you, even though you are not sure if it is God. God does talk. He talks to us about things that matter to us, even though we often don't know it is Him who is doing the talking.

Matters that lead to freedom!!!